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(EIL 373) Academic Writing Patterns

Students complete a variety of writing tasks that help them understand how to adjust their academic writing to match the teacher, assignment, and class subject.

Credit Hours 2.0 Lecture
Prerequisite None
Offered Fall, Winter, Spring
Programs -

Course Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate their ability to do this by: reading at an adequate rate; using effective reading strategies; learning key vocabulary in the text focusing on important information; text marking and highlighting; passing quizzes and tests on the content; participating in class in ways that demonstrate understanding.
  • Students will demonstrate their ability to do this by: listening to extended academic discourse; using effective note-taking skills; asking questions and making comments in whole-class settings; passing quizzes and tests on the content using lecture notes; participating in class in ways that demonstrate understanding.
  • Students will demonstrate their ability to do this by: participating in whole- class and group interactions both during class and outside of class in culturally and academically appropriate ways; speaking with adequate fluency; using an intelligible accent.
  • Students will demonstrate their ability to do this by: writing academic texts that are sensitive to the audience and purpose of the assignment; writing both with support and independently; using correct grammar and academic vocabulary; writing papers of varying types and lengths that clearly communicate their learning.
  • Students will demonstrate their ability to do this by: using the words accurately in their speech and writing; recognizing AWL words in reading texts and lectures; Learn new academic words,word families, and collocations.
  • Students will demonstrate their ability to do this by: visiting with a grammar tutor every week to review select writing assignments.
  • Students will demonstrate their ability to do this by: participating in weekly online metacognitive discussions with their class peers. Other self-reflection opportunities will be part of the course final.