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Associate of Sciences - Business Management (ASBM)

Hours - 56-58 Credit Hours
Effective Sep. 2023
Last Revised 6/28/2023
Faculty Unit: Faculty of Business & Government
Sponsoring Program: Business Management

Program Requirements

One Approved Program or Certificate - 15-16 Credits

HR Minor (16 credits) or Marketing Minor (15 credits) or HTM Minor (15 credits) or Organizational Leadership Minor (15 credits) or Economics Minor (15 credits) or Supply Chain, Operations, & Analytics Minor (15 credits).

A Second Approved Program or Certificate in Arts & Humanities or Math & Science - 12 Credits Minimum

Application PDF

General Education Core - 6 Credits

Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
MATH MATH 107 or other math track Variable 3.0
ENGL 101 College Writing, Reading and Research F, W, S 3.0

    Religion - 8 Credits

    (minimum of 1 course from BYUH)

    Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
    1 Core REL 200, 225, 250, 275 [or 121+122] Variable 2.0
    1 Core REL 200, 225, 250, 275 [or 121+122] Variable 2.0
    1 Elective Any religion course Variable 2.0
    1 Elective Any religion course Variable 2.0

      Additional Coursework - 15 Credits

      (for a total of 60 credits overall, with at least 15 credits through BYUH)

      Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
      ACCT 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting F, W, S 3.0
      ACCT 203 Introduction to Managerial Accounting F, W, S 3.0 ACCT 186 and ACCT 201 (w/C- or better for BUSM majors and B- or better for ACCT majors)
      BUSM 342 Business Law and Ethics F, W, S 3.0 BUSM 180 w/C- or better (for non-ACCT majors), ACCT 203 (for ACCT majors); ENGL 101
      MATH 121 Principles of Statistics F, W, S 3.0 MATH 107 or MATH 110 or ACCT 186 or score 24 on Math Section of the ACT or 590 on Math Section of the SAT
      ECON 200 Principles of Microeconomics (Marketing Minors must take BUSM 180 and ECON 200) F, W, S 3.0 ACCT 186 (required for BUSM, ACCT and HTM majors) OR MATH 107

      Additional Program Requirements

      1. Degree must include 15 credits through BYUH.
      2. D credit (D+, D, D-) is limited to six credits overall, with up to three credits in the cluster, and none in classes that are prerequisites.
      3. Cumulative GPA must be 2.0 or higher. Each cluster GPA must be 2.0 or higher.

      Program Learning Outcomes
