Communication, Media and Culture Minor
Hours - 15 Credit Hours
Effective Sep. 2023
Last Revision 4/13/2023
Faculty Unit Assignment: Faculty of Arts & Letters
Sponsoring Program: Communication, Media and Culture
Holokai Category: Arts & Humanities
Program Requirements
Core Requirements — 9 Credits
Elective: Choose Two — 6 Credits
Course Number | Title | Semesters Offered | Credit Hours | Prerequisites |
COMM 301 | The Internet and Society | S | 3.0 | COMM 200 or 211 |
COMM 305 | Communication and Popular Culture | W, S | 3.0 | COMM 200 |
COMM 326 | Issues in Global Communication | S | 3.0 | COMM 200 or 251 |
COMM 353 | Organizational Communication | F | 3.0 | COMM 110 or permission of instructor |
COMM 360 | Communication Theory and Method | F, W | 3.0 | COMM 200, COMM 251 |
COMM 370 | Race, Ethnicity and Culture | Variable | 3.0 | COMM 110 |
COMM 380 | Gender and Culture | Variable | 3.0 | COMM 110 |
COMM 410 | Political Communication | F | 3.0 | COMM 200, COMM 251 |
COMM 430 | Media Law and Ethics | W | 3.0 | COMM 200 |
Additional Program Requirements
All passing grades will be accepted in fulfilling minor or certificate requirements.
Program Learning Outcomes