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Financial Aid and Scholarships

Financial Aid & Scholarships
LSB 1st Floor, (808) 675-3316

Financial Aid & Scholarships provides the following services:

  1. Federal financial aid (Pell Grants, Teach Grant, Stafford Loans, PLUS loans).
  2. Scholarships and awards.
  3. International Work Opportunity Returnability Kuleana program (IWORK).
  4. Hukilau Program.
  5. Financial Aid Counseling.
  6. BYU–Hawaii Deferred Payment Plan.
  7. BYU-Hawaii Book Loans
  8. PAS (Pacific Area Scholars)
  9. PAEF (Pacific & Asia Educational Fund)
  10. Financial Aid Orientation and Forums

A list of financial resources available to BYU–Hawaii students is available on the Financial Aid & Scholarships website.

Over the past decade the cost of obtaining an excellent university education has increased considerably. As a result, many students and their families have found it difficult to obtain the funds to pursue an education. The university is sensitive to this situation and to those students who are hard-pressed to finance their studies. We strive to assist those who need additional resources to further their studies find alternatives where possible.

Financial aid available at BYU–Hawaii comes from various federal, state, and university programs in the form of loans, scholarships, and grants. The Financial Aid & Scholarships office staff coordinates these financial aid programs and assists students in identifying financial resources for which they might qualify. Because financial need usually exceeds the amount of financial aid available through university and federal programs, the distribution of financial aid at BYU–Hawaii is generally based on a combination of the student’s unmet need, academic performance, and other pertinent factors.

The process of determining a student’s eligibility for financial aid is called need analysis. During the need analysis process, income and asset information from both the student and parents is examined to determine the family’s ability to contribute toward educational costs. This figure, called the expected family contribution (EFC), is subtracted from the cost of attendance, to determine the unmet financial need.

For U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, BYU–Hawaii uses the standard government need analysis form called the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), in determining how much the student and family are able to contribute toward the cost of the student’s education. For International students, BYU–Hawaii uses the financial part of the new student CES application and the International Student Aid Application (ISAA) for continuing students.

All students applying for financial aid must complete the FAFSA, the new student CES application financial part, or ISAA. For students who are selected for verification, this includes completing and submitting verification documents.

Even though a standard formula is used to analyze a student’s financial situation, the staff of the Financial Aid & Scholarships office carefully consider the individual circumstances of each student applying for aid.

Applying for financial aid is complicated and time-consuming. Considerable delays and frustrations can arise from filling out forms incorrectly or failing to submit the proper documents in a timely manner. Students and their parents are encouraged to read instructions carefully and to complete all forms and documents correctly.

To learn more about these programs, email Financial Aid.

Federal Aid

BYU–Hawaii Financial Aid & Scholarships, (808) 675-3316

Federal aid available at BYU–Hawaii includes Pell Grants, Teach Grants, Stafford Loans, and PLUS loans. U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and eligible non-citizens may qualify for Federal Student Aid. The Financial Aid & Scholarships website listed above has links to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), as well as a link to obtain a FSA ID (needed by students and parents of dependent students to electronically sign and submit the FAFSA Application.)

To ensure the availability of federal funds to pay tuition and housing charged by the deadlines, it is recommended that the FAFSA should be submitted annually to the government by March 15. Other required documents such as verification documents should be received by the BYU–Hawaii Financial Aid office by April 30 in order to meet priority processing dates.

Federal student aid recipients are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) as outlined on the Financial Aid & Scholarships office website at SAP Requirements. Recipients must also comply with specific regulations governing each program as outlined by the federal government.

Students who have received federal aid who withdraw from school should contact the Financial Aid & Scholarships office. When a student withdraws mid-semester, calculations must be made to determine how much of the federal aid a student may keep or must return.

Program details, regulations, forms, advisement, and refund requirements for each of the federal student aid programs are available at the BYU–Hawaii Financial Aid & Scholarships office and on the Financial Aid & Scholarships website.

Students may use funds listed on their award notice only for educational-related expenses incurred at BYU–Hawaii for the respective academic year.

Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships and Awards, BYU–Hawaii Financial Aid & Scholarships, (808) 675-3316.

Scholarships and awards are processed and administered by the BYU–Hawaii Financial Aid & Scholarships office. Scholarships and awards fall into three broad categories:

1. BYU–Hawaii program awards
2. institutional-based awards
3. external awards.

Scholarships and awards are valid only for the period for which they are awarded and are subject to the availability of funds. Scholarships and award funds are not available to students until they are admitted and registered at the university, and may not be transferred to other institutions. BYU–Hawaii institutional scholarships, grants, tuition waivers, tuition discounts, and loans may be applied against any expenses recorded on the student account. This may include class fees, participation fees, insurance, and any other institutional charges. (Terms and conditions on scholarship website).

In order for a student to receive a scholarship, the student must be enrolled for 14 credits in the fall and winter semester and nine credits in the spring semester in which the scholarship will be awarded.

For the most recent information about the availability of scholarships, application forms, and application deadlines, consult the Financial Aid & Scholarships website.

For information regarding International Work Opportunity Returnability Kuleana program (IWORK), please see information in the IWORK program section of this catalog.

Tuition Benefit

Tuition Benefit, BYU–Hawaii Human Resources, (808) 675-3713
Regular full-time faculty, staff, and administrative personnel may register for up to a maximum of two classes per semester and one class per term provided one class has to be outside the employee’s work schedule. Approval must be obtained from the employee’s supervisors. If a class is more than one hour per day, a written request and an educational plan must be submitted and approved by the director or dean as well as the line vice president.

Regular full-time employees, their spouses and eligible dependents become eligible for tuition benefits upon the start of the next semester/term following the employee’s date of hire. Dependent children are eligible for a half-tuition benefit for their first undergraduate degree, regardless of marital status. Benefits of dependent children cease when they receive an undergraduate degree, accumulate 152 credit hours, or reach age 30, whichever occurs first. Credits taken from BYU, BYU–Idaho, BYU–Pathway, and Ensign College are counted toward the 152 credit limit.

Financial Aid Counseling

Students may meet personally with Financial Aid & Scholarships staff to discuss financial aid options, how to apply for scholarships, budgeting, debt management, and other finance-related topics. To set an appointment, students may walk in to the Financial Aid & Scholarships service counter on the first floor of the Lorenzo Snow Building, or call 808-675-3316.

Other Financial Assistance

State higher education offices, high school, and college financial aid & scholarships offices in each state or country often have information regarding special financial assistance programs available to residents of their respective state or country. There are also many free scholarship search engines available on the internet. Many external scholarships and scholarship search engines are listed on the BYU–Hawaii Financial Aid & Scholarships website.

IWORK Scholarship

IWORK Scholarship, BYU–Hawaii Financial Aid & Scholarships, (808) 675-3316.

The IWORK program is to assist students of Oceania and the Asian Rim (& East Asia) in obtaining a quality education at BYU–Hawaii. It is built on the principle of self-reliance and its goal is to provide the necessary financial assistance to worthy members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints so they can return home to their countries and regions debt-free and qualified to provide leadership roles in an international church, in civic and social affiliations, and within their families.

The IWORK program is a unique and generous opportunity available only at BYU–Hawaii. Effective Spring 2021, the forgivable loan portion of the IWORK program has been discontinued. Total IWORK funding will not change, but the amount that was allocated as a loan will instead be issued as a grant. This change applies only to IWORK funding allocated for the Spring 2021 Semester and after. All loans from semesters prior to the Spring 2021 Semester remain under the former IWORK program guidelines and commitments. Therefore, loans accrued before the Spring 2021 Semester may be forgiven at a rate of one-fourth every year for four years for those who meet returnability criteria; otherwise, they must be repaid. Funds allocated for the Spring 2021 Semester or after have no repayment obligations.

The Financial Aid & Scholarships website has links to the International Student Aid Application (ISAA) as well as a link for new student applications.

IWORK program details, forms, advisement, and other pertinent information are available at the BYU–Hawaii Financial Aid & Scholarships office.

Student Employment

Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Closed: Devotionals and Holidays
(808) 675-4710

Student Employment assists students with inquiries regarding on-campus employment. All actively enrolled students are limited to 19 hours per week when school is in session.

Federal law requires all employees to be certified for eligibility to work in the United States.

Students apply for on-campus positions through the Workday online job board available at Employment Opportunities.

For more details you may visit Student Employment.