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(CS 401) Web Applications Development

An exploration of web application programming with a focus on integrating databases and utilizing current front-end and back-end web technologies.

Credit hours 3.0 lecture
Prerequisites CS 250, CS 300
Offered Fall
Programs Computer Science (BS)

Learning Course Outcomes

Each student who passes this course will be able to do the following:

  • Understand the fundamentals of web application architecture and the roles of front-end and back-end technologies.
  • Design and implement responsive and user-friendly web interfaces using current front-end technologies and frameworks.
  • Develop efficient and secure back-end solutions using modern web development frameworks and languages.
  • Integrate databases into web applications, ensuring data persistence, security, and scalability.
  • Apply best practices for web development, including version control, testing, and deployment.
  • Create web applications that adhere to industry standards and accessibility guidelines.
  • Collaborate effectively in a team-based development environment.