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(CS 490R) Advanced Topics in Computer Science

A senior-level elective course exploring advanced topics in computer science, with subjects varying according to instructor availability and interests.

Credit hours 3.0 lecture
Prerequisite CS 301
Offered Fall, winter, spring
Programs Computer Science (BS)

Course Learning Outcomes

Each student who passes this course will be able to do the following:

  • Investigate and discuss advanced concepts in computer science, including emerging technologies, research, and trends.
  • Develop the ability to read, analyze, and explain academic papers in computer science effectively.
  • Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to advanced computer science problems and challenges.
  • Demonstrate mastery in at least one advanced computer science topic, such as computer graphics, visualization, or machine learning.
  • Collaborate effectively in team-based projects related to advanced computer science topics.
  • Present research findings or project results in a clear and professional manner.