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(ENTR 283) New Venture Creation

Introduction to small business creation, including fundamentals of sales and capital. Uses mentors and case studies. Learn traits and practices of entrepreneurs and small business owners, managerial processes used to identify, establish, and operate a new business, and/or purchase an existing business, including elements of business plan modeling.

Credit hours 3.0 lecture
Prerequisites ENTR 180
Offered Fall, winter, spring
Programs Entrepreneurship Minor

Course Learning Outcomes

With the successful completion of course requirements, the student will be able to do the following:

  1. Effectively recruit prospective customers for business model validation experiments.
  2. Design and execute business model validation experiments.
  3. Conduct interviews to understand the emotional perspective of a customer.
  4. Utilize data from business validation experiments to devise and iterate potential solutions to a customer's problems.
  5. Assess the financial viability of potential solutions to customer's problems.
  6. Describe a validation journey and understanding of the validation journey process.