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Hawaiian Language Certificate

Hours - 19 Credit Hours
Effective Sep. 2017
Last Revised 9/19/2022
Holokai Category: Arts & Humanities
Sponsoring Program: Hawaiian Studies
Faculty Unit Assignment: Faculty of Culture, Language & Performing Arts

Program Requirements

Required — 7 Credits

Complete 7 Credits from any HAWN language course beyond the 1st year level.

Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
HAWN 201 Ke Kahua o ka 'Olelo-Kau Mua-The Foundation Part I F 4.0 HAWN 102 or HAWN 107
HAWN 202 Ke Kahua o ka 'Olelo-Kau Hope-The Foundation Part II W 4.0 HAWN 201
HAWN 225 Hoʻoikaika Kamaʻilio-Traditional Oratorical Styles S 3.0 HAWN 102
HAWN 301 Hoʻokukulu ‘Olelo-Kau Mua-The Building Part I F 3.0 HAWN 202 or 225

Electives: Choose four— 12 Credits

Not previously used above.

Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
HAWN 225 Hoʻoikaika Kamaʻilio-Traditional Oratorical Styles S 3.0 HAWN 102
HAWN 301 Hoʻokukulu ‘Olelo-Kau Mua – The Building Part I F 3.0 HAWN 202 or 225
HAWN 302 Hoʻokukulu ‘Olelo-Kau Hope – The Building Part II W 3.0 HAWN 301
HAWN 335 Hoʻoikaika Kakau-Strength in the Language S 3.0 HAWN 302
HAWN 401 Hoʻopaʻa Kauhuhu-Kau Mua – The Ridge Pole Part I F 3.0 HAWN 302 or 335
HAWN 402 Hoʻopaʻa Kauhuhu-Kau Hope – The Ridge Pole Part II W 3.0 HAWN 401
HWST 461 Pana Hawaiʻi: Legendary Places of Hawaiʻi S 3.0 HAWN 201

Additional Program Requirements

All passing grades will be accepted in fulfilling minor or certificate requirements.

Program Outcomes

Upon completing a major in Hawaiian studies, students will:

  • Kuleana: Students will cultivate a sense of kuleana (rights/responsibilities and stewardship) as they practice Hawaiian values and develop as servant leaders by sustaining relationships with the land and local and global community.
  • ‘Ike: Students will develop cultural competency by engaging with traditional and contemporary Hawaiian knowledge, values, and practices including performing existing, as well as creating new hana no‘eau (artistic works & expressions).
  • No‘ono‘o: Students will engage in critical inquiry and analysis through rigorous study and assessment of various kinds and sources of information, by conducting and presenting research, and through discussion and debate.
  • ‘Ōlelo: Students will communicate effectively through the written and spoken word in ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i and English, including composition of ha‘i ‘ōlelo (speeches) and performance of hula, mele, and oli (dance, song, chant) as well as through written research and oral presentation.