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(HHS 360) Women's Health

This course provides a modern look at the health of women across all cultures, races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Students will learn critical information needed to optimize their well-being, avoid illness and injury, and support their overall health.

Credit Hours 3.0 Lecture
Prerequisites None
Offered Spring
Programs Health and Human Science (BS), Health and Human Performance Minor

Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course, the student should be able to, in either oral and/or written form:

  1. The learner will evaluate aspects of women’s health; physical, social, environmental, and emotional as they relate to epidemiological, historical, psychosocial, cultural, legal, and economic influences.
  2. The learner will analyze how to best to help women instill habits and attitudes that promote a healthy lifestyle for themselves, their family, and their community.
  3. The learner will create and advocate for health promotion programs that center around dimensions of women’s health and longevity.