Academic Standards
Academic Standing
The purpose of this policy is to detect early challenges that students might be facing in regards to their grades and progress towards graduation. By identifying students who are struggling, early interventions can be identified and advice can be given that can help the student be successful.
Grade Probation
A student will be placed on grade probation if they fall into any of the following categories:
- A student's cumulative GPA is below 2.0.
- Student semester GPA is below 1.7 regardless of Cumulative GPA.
Students on grade probation are subject to the following consequences and corrective processes:
- Students are required to meet with the Center for Academic Success to develop a plan for academic improvement. Enrollment and successful completion of STDEV 101R is expected from all academic probation students.
- Students who fail to meet with the center will have a hold placed on their registration.
The intent of this policy is to ensure that the student has the support needed to improve their academic performance and to make progress related to raising the cumulative GPA and/or semester GPA above 2.0. Working with the Center for Academic Success is required. Failure to progress will result in grade suspension the following semester.
A student's grade probation semester counts as a student's appeal semester and is their opportunity to demonstrate improvement. For this reason, no appeal is allowed if suspended.
Role of Faculty Members
Due to the short number of days between semesters, it is critical for faculty to submit grades within the established time frame to give the Office of the Registrar twenty-four hours to notify students of grade probation status.
Continued Grade Probation
After a semester of grade probation, while the cumulative GPA is still below 2.0, a student may be placed on continued Grade Probation if their semester GPA is above a 1.7 and student is showing progress towards a degree.
- Students will remain on continued grade probation until their Cumulative GPA is at or above 2.0 while still showing progress.
- Any subsequent semester with a semester GPA below 1.7 will result in grade suspension.
Grade Suspension
After a semester of grade probation, or continued grade probation, a student may be placed on grade suspension when any of the following occurs:
- A student’s cumulative GPA continues to be below 2.0 and semester GPA is below 1.7 for a second semester, then a student is placed on grade suspension and dismissed from the university.
- Two semesters without academic progress also leads to grade suspension.
- i.e. Two semesters of failing grades.
- i.e. Two semesters with semester GPA’s below 1.7 regardless of cumulative GPA.
Official Consequences
A suspended student cannot register for any classes on campus and must be readmitted to the university to continue as a student. This includes but is not limited to registering for Education Outreach classes, taking classes at a reduced load, or for audit and taking classes as a part-time or non-degree seeking student. A suspended student may apply for readmission when the individual can provide evidence of being ready to return and engage in successful full-time study. The readmission may not be for a semester beginning sooner than one year after the start of the last semester attended before the suspension was executed.
Appeal Academic Suspensions
- When a student is placed on grade probation, this semester counts as a student’s appeal semester and is their opportunity to demonstrate improvement. For this reason, no appeal is allowed upon suspension.
D Grades
University academic standing and graduation standards are based solely on GPA (2.0).
In addition, some degree programs limit the number of D grades allowed in order to complete major requirements. Rules regarding D grades in the majors are determined by the faculty units housing the major and approved by the University Curriculum Council.
There is no D grade limit for completing minors or certificates.