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Spanish Minor

Hours - 15 Credit Hours
Effective Sep 2021
Last Revised 9/19/2022
Holokai Category: Arts & Humanities
Sponsoring Program: Integrated Humanities
Faculty Unit Assignment: Faculty of Culture, Language & Performing Arts

Program Requirements

Requirements — 3 Credits

Course Number Title Semester Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
SPAN 321 Advanced Grammar and Composition in Spanish F, W 3.0 SPAN 202 or permission of instructor

Electives - 12 Credits

Choose four of the following
SPAN 445R may be repeated for the minor as long as each section taken is on a different topic. The same topic may not be repeated for credit.

Course Number Title Semester Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
SPAN 393 Business Spanish S 3.0 SPAN 202 or permission of instructor
SPAN 441 Survey of Spanish Literature W 3.0 SPAN 321 or permission of instructor
SPAN 445R Special Studies in Spanish W, S 3.0 SPAN 321 or permission of instructor
SPAN 451 Survey of Latin-American Literature F 3.0 SPAN 321 or permission of instructor

Additional Program Requirements

Note: Returned missionaries from Spanish-speaking regions are encouraged to take SPAN 321 or other 300-400 courses.

All passing grades will be accepted in fulfilling minor or certificate requirements.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completing a major in integrated humanities, students will:

  • Acquire a meaningful degree of cultural literacy they can employ effectively in everyday life.
  • Become astute observers, interpreters, and critical thinkers.
  • Integrate a range of critical perspectives on a variety of diverse cultural expressions.
  • Understand and manage cultural differences.
  • Be prepared to enter graduate school and the workplace.