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(ANTH 322) Ethnographic Methods

Ethnographic methodologies including entrée, observations, interviewing, note taking, systematic organization of field data, transcription, translation, interpreting, analysis,
critical reflexivity, and professional report writing.

Credit Hours 3.0 Lecture
Prerequisites ANTH 105 or IPB 121
Offered Fall, Winter
Programs Anthropology and Cultural Sustainability (BA), Anthropology Minor, Intercultural Peacebuilding (BA)

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of the methodology for ethnography, its techniques, procedures and applications.
  • Recognize and implement ethical practices in both the study and representation of others.
  • Learn how to conduct an in-depth ethnographic study of a particular social or cultural group.
  • Develop the ability to write a substantive ethnographic report.
  • Communicate effectively and persuasively in speaking and writing.
  • Develop a practice for life-long learning, understanding and working with cultural differences.