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(BUSM 460R) Marketing Projects

This course allows marketing students to gain experiential learning opportunities that replicate the professional workplace in a classroom setting.

Credit Hours 3.0 Lecture
Prerequisites BUSM 304 w/B- or better
Offered Fall, Winter, Spring
Programs Business Management (BS)

Course Learning Outcomes

Each student who passes this course will be able to do the following:

  • Effectively strategize marketing campaigns to utilize the sales funnel and improve the customer journey experience.
  • Design effective email marketing campaigns and analyze reach, ROI, and other measurable outcomes using CRM tools such as Hubspot.
  • Analyze SEO and SEM and adjust content marketing strategies as necessary to match social listening.
  • Develop realistic KPIs to judge effectiveness of various campaigns.
  • Utilize social media to create ecommerce opportunities through tools such as Shopify and Amazon Affiliates as revenue streams.