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(IPB 211) Peacebuilding in the Restoration

Explores the theology, culture, and practice of conflict and peacebuilding in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints through the lens of the scriptures, history, and current events. Christological-based methods of conflict transformation at home, in our community, wards, and world will be covered.

Credit Hours 3.0 Lecture
Prerequisite IPB 121
Offered Fall, Spring
Programs Certificate in Intercultural Peacebuilding, Intercultural Peacebuilding (BA)

Course Learning Outcomes

Each student who passes this course will be able to do the following:

  1. Understand restoration theology and culture around critical principles like war, conflict, personal peace, peace with others, social justice, millennial peace, and Zion and apply this understanding to current events.
  2. Explore the development of these ideas through scripture, history, and current events in a research paper and class presentation.
  3. Develop the confidence and ability to apply Christological conflict transformation practices at home, at work, in wards, and in the world.