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(IPB 323) Peace Education

The course focuses on teaching students the conceptual frameworks to be educators in the peace field. Its main purpose is oriented toward the development of attitudes, values, knowledge, skills, and behaviors that lead to imagining, creating, manifesting and sustaining peace in the family, the classroom, the community, and the world.

Credit Hours 3.0 Lecture
Prerequisite IPB 121
Offered Fall, Winter
Programs Certificate in Intercultural Peacebuilding, Intercultural Peacebuilding (BA)

Course Learning Outcomes

1. Gain an understanding of the core conceptual foundations of peace education.
2. Understand the different branches within peace education
3. Define core concepts and approaches used in the field
4. Analyze and understand the models that are being utilized around the world
5. Prepare and teach peace education lessons
6. Think critically
7.Present findings verbally and in writing