(BIOL 300L) Animal Behavior Laboratory - BYU–Hawaii Catalog Skip to main content

(BIOL 300L) Animal Behavior Laboratory

Laboratory for Animal Behavior. Fee required.

Credit Hours 1.0 Lab
Prerequisites BIOL 113
Corequisite BIOL 300
Offered Fall
Programs Biology (BS)

Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the history of the field of animal behavior, and how this influenced current research approaches.
  2. Understand how natural selection can cause evolutionary change in behavior.
  3. Describe how genetics can influence behavior.
  4. Differentiate between the various forms and functions of animal communication.
  5. Describe how and why animals learn.
  6. Understand the major functions of different animal behaviors, and how they evolved (e.g., foraging behavior, antipredator behavior, migration, aggression, etc.).
  7. Differentiate between various mating and parental care systems and understand their costs and benefits.
  8. Describe the evolution of social behavior, and evolutionary explanations for altruistic behavior.