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(COMM 380) Gender and Culture

Examines how gender is conceptualized and communicated. Explores power relationships and gender dynamics in various cultural settings.

Credit Hours 3.0 Lecture
Prerequisite COMM 110
Offered Variable
Programs Communication, Media and Culture (BA), Communication, Media and Culture Minor

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand key gender concepts and theories.
  2. Recognize and critique processes of gender construction and practice within various cultures and institutions.
  3. Learn to see the world through different lenses and work with people who are different from us.
  4. Learn to articulate our viewpoint effectively and in a respectful way.
  5. Develop research skills through conducting a gender-related empirical study.
  6. Learn to effectively express one’s viewpoint through oral interaction and visual presentation.