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(PSYC 111) General Psychology

Provides familiarity with the major subfields and methods of discovery used in psychology. Topics covered include the biology of behavior, human development across the lifespan, cognition and intelligence, social processes, personality, motivation, psychopathology and therapy. Provides an opportunity to “sample” many of the domains of the discipline, both in preparation for taking more focused courses in the major and to permit the application of psychological insights to other fields of endeavor.

Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the basic areas and ideas involved with the scientific investigation of the psychological behavior of humans and animals.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the domain of psychology in such areas as Brain functions, Sensation, Perception, Learning, Human Development, Social Influences, and Psychological Disorders.
  3. To provide students majoring in psychology with a solid foundation for further study in the field of psychology.