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Public Management Minor

Hours - 18 Credit Hours
Effective Sep. 2021
Last Revision 4/11/2023
Faculty Unit Assignment: Faculty of Business & Government
Sponsoring Program: Political Science
Holokai Category: Professional Studies

Program Requirements

Core Requirements - 9 Credits

Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
POSC 330 Introduction to Public Administration W 3.0
PMGT 300/ POSC 331 Public Policy F 3.0
PMGT 499 Public Management F 3.0

Electives - 9 Credits

Choose one from each group

Group 1

Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
ECON 200 Principles of Microeconomics F, W, S 3.0 ACCT 186 (required for BUSM, ACCT and HTM majors) OR MATH 107
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics F, W, S 3.0 ECON 200
MATH 121 Principles of Statistics F, W, S 3.0 MATH 107 or MATH 110 or ACCT 186 or Score 24 on Math Section of the ACT or 590 on Math Section of the SAT
POSC 304 Quantitative Political Research F, W 3.0 POSC 300 or Permission of Instructor
PSYC 205 Applied Social Statistics F, W 3.0 PSYC 111, PSYC 190, MATH 107 or MATH 110 or equivalent

Group 2

Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
BUSM 310 Principles of Management F, W, S 3.0 BUSM 180
PMGT 350 Crisis Management W 3.0
PMGT 360 Disaster Management F 3.0

Group 3*

Course Number Title Semesters Offered Credit Hours Prerequisites
POSC 230 Fundamentals of Good Governance F, W 3.0
POSC 318 Decentralized Power & Effective Governance S 3.0
POSC 420 Complexity and Public Policy W 3.0

*Or other courses with Public Management Program approval.

Additional Program Requirements

No more than six hours in the minor may be used for the student’s major.

All passing grades will be accepted in fulfilling minor or certificate requirements.

Program Learning Outcomes
