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(SCED 491) Pre-Student Teaching

This course prepares secondary education majors seeking a Hawaii teacher license for student teaching internships in Hawaii. Students work in a supervised field experience within a secondary school on Oahu. Weekly seminar attendance required.

Credit Hours 3.0 Lecture
Prerequisite EDU 312
Corequisite SCED 401, 430 and formal admission to teacher education
Offered Fall, Winter
Programs Art Education (BA), Biology Education (BS), Business Education (BS), Chemistry Education (BS), English Education (BA),Health and Human Science Education (BS), History Education (BA), Math Education (BS), Physical Science Education (BS), Physics Education (BS), Social Science Education (BA), TESOL Education (BA)

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Engage learners with methods appropriate to their development, differences, and environments.
  2. Engage learners in deep content knowledge and authentic applications with the assistance of multiple methods of assessment.
  3. Engage learners using effective lesson planning and a variety of instructional strategies.
  4. Experience opportunities to act professionally and ethically in leadership roles as a teacher.