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(CHEM 105) General Chemistry I

The principles of chemistry for science majors. Topics include measurements and units, stoichiometry, aqueous chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, energy, atomic structure, principles of chemical bonding and molecular structure, and behavior of gas.

Credit hours 3.0 lecture
Pre- or corequisite MATH 110 with a C- or better (MATH 110 can be a corequisite if MATH 101 was completed-see Advisor), or ACT Math score 24+, or SAT Math score 590+. High school chemistry or CHEM 101 is highly recommended.
Offered Fall, winter
Programs Biochemistry Minor, Biology (BS), Science Education (BS), Chemistry Minor, Computer Science (BS), Construction and Facilities Management Minor, Health and Human Science (BS), Introduction to Chemistry Minor, Introduction to Conservation Biology Minor, Introduction to Nutritional Science Minor

Course Learning Outcomes

This class will specifically help you:

  1. Possess a working knowledge of the unifying principles of chemistry and the physical sciences.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to apply chemical and physics principles to solve scientific problems.
  3. Convey scientific ideas and knowledge clearly and professionally.
  4. Have an awareness of current biochemical and physical science issues and their impact on society.
  5. Demonstrate significant progress along the targeted career path.