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178 courses found
This course introduces students to the social issues impacting the Pacific diaspora in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States of America. Despite the difference in location and migration, the Pacific diaspora are experiencing similar social issues. This course examines the various cultural factors that have contributed to the social issues impacting the Pacific diaspora globally.
The causes of conflict within the Pacific archipelago are unique because the issues fueling the conflict is not singular but rather an infusion of complicated layers as the result of colonialism, cultural ethnocentrism, clash of traditional and western political institutions as well pulling effect of globalization and modernization. This class will introduce you to some of the past and current major conflicts experienced in the Pacific region. It will look at what factors contributed to these conflicts and how it impacted both the traditional and western institutions in each Pacific Island nation.
The course is to familiarize the students with the legal systems in Oceania. Emphasis in this class will be given to historical legal systems and their development, including political status.
This reading and critical analysis intensive course explores the encounters in Oceania in relation to the values and embodied experiences of women in Oceania. The course examines the debates about universalism and relativism, nature and culture, and personhood and identity, in understanding the differences between women, men, and transgendered persons in a Pacific context. In this course, we will centralize the scholarship, voices, and experiences of women across the region and consider how attention to women's lives challenges a number of epistemological assumptions in academia.
This course provides an understanding of the social construct of race and its historical impact within and amongst Pacific Islanders, as well as in relation to other racial groups. It assumes the theoretical stance of intersectionality as a lens that illuminates the ways Pacific Islanders are situated in society and occurs at the nexus of race, gender, sexuality, class, and citizenship status. A framework used in class will be focused on a set of basic perspectives, methods, and pedagogy that accounts for the role of race and racism that works towards identifying and challenging racism, while focusing on the experiences of Pacific Islanders.
An opportunity to pursue subjects otherwise not offered by the department. Instructor's permission is required.
This course is an informational experience for those students majoring in psychology. It will help inform them about the requirements to earn a B.S. degree in psychology, what to anticipate and how to prepare for taking the psychology capstone course (senior seminar), and what career opportunities are possible for a graduate with a psychology major. In addition, information will be discussed regarding the variety of graduate programs and their admission requirements.
This course explores collective and personal levels of culture and its intersection. From this approach, culture is a
Capstone course to be taken during the senior year after all of the other core courses have been completed. Students will propose a research study on the topic of their choice and present them in an oral presentation using PowerPoint, and an APA-style paper.
A chronological study of Church history and doctrine.
This course studies the growth and development of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Asian Rim from the early 1900s to the present.