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112 courses found
Students will be introduced to hierarchal concepts from chemistry, cellular biology, systemic biology, and physiology and anatomy to better understand and appreciate integrative human biology.
Marine Biodiversity is the study of the classifications, evolution, natural history, morphology, anatomy and physiology of marine organisms. Lab required.
Laboratory for Marine Biodiversity.
This course delves deep into the general principles essential to hospitality marketing and unveils the art of creating, branding, and marketing destinations, attractions, activities, and guest experiences. Explore dynamic marketing strategies while learning how to transform memorable experiences into lasting impressions.
Three-hour laboratory based on topics taught in PHYS 105 or 205. Strongly
recommended for students taking PHYS 105 or 205.
Three-hour laboratory based on topics taught in PHYS 106 and 206. Strongly recommended for students taking PHYS 106 or 206.
A calculus-based general physics course. Topics include mechanics, fluids, waves and sound. This course is designed to meet the requirements of science majors. An excellent understanding of algebra, trigonometry, and calculus (introductory differentiation and integration) is required. Concurrent registration in PHYS 155L strongly recommended.
A continuation of PHYS 205. Topics include optics, electricity and magnetism, and optics, relativity, and quantum physics.
A chronological study of Church history and doctrine.