102 courses found
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Marine Biodiversity is the study of the classifications, evolution, natural history, morphology, anatomy and physiology of marine organisms. Lab required.
A comparative study that covers foundational biological principles and establishes the scientific basis that underscores the selection of plants as food, medicine, or raw materials by different societies. Within each module, the learning activities will integrate the scientific foundation with the economic, cultural, and societal significance of these plants, which will help students contextualize the role of these plants in the development of agricultural practices and the rise and fall of civilizations.
Three-hour laboratory based on topics taught in PHYS 105 or 205. Strongly
recommended for students taking PHYS 105 or 205.
recommended for students taking PHYS 105 or 205.
Three-hour laboratory based on topics taught in PHYS 106 and 206. Strongly recommended for students taking PHYS 106 or 206.
A calculus-based general physics course. Topics include mechanics, fluids, waves and sound. This course is designed to meet the requirements of science majors. An excellent understanding of algebra, trigonometry, and calculus (introductory differentiation and integration) is required. Concurrent registration in PHYS 155L strongly recommended.
A continuation of PHYS 205. Topics include optics, electricity and magnetism, and optics, relativity, and quantum physics.