132 courses found
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SSAC (34)
TESOL (21)
THEA (13)
TONG (5)
WLNG (5)
This course provides students an opportunity to explore a relevant topic of finance outside of the regular business management course curriculum.
This course provides students an opportunity to explore a relevant topic of marketing outside of the regular business management course curriculum.
This course provides students an opportunity to explore a relevant topic of organizational leadership and human resources outside of the regular business management course curriculum.
This course provides students an opportunity to explore a relevant topic of supply chain, operations, and/or analytics outside of the regular business management course curriculum.
Time series analysis, Bayesian Analysis, nonparametric methods, multiple regression, logistic regression.
Three-hour laboratory based on topics taught in PHYS 105 or 205. Strongly
recommended for students taking PHYS 105 or 205.
recommended for students taking PHYS 105 or 205.
Three-hour laboratory based on topics taught in PHYS 106 and 206. Strongly recommended for students taking PHYS 106 or 206.